Around one p.m. today, District 203 announced that Tuesday, Jan. 7 will be the second consecutive day where schools are closed due to extremely cold conditions.

Upon receiving the call from Superintendent Dan Bridges, Central students’ twitter accounts exploded with excitement.
Although not the expected response, several students were looking forward to attending the first few days of second semester, and expressed their views similar to those of junior Kate Yockey.
Junior Alex Pomeroy disagrees with those who want to go back to school.
After-school activities and practices were also cancelled due to the weather, which was a favorable decision to many.
Several seniors expressed their joy for the consecutive cold days, especially since the senior class does not need to make up the days.
Junior Beth Ryan and senior Ethan Pearson cleverly nicknamed the city of Chicago with more weather-appropriate names:
The extremely negative wind chills forced many students to stay inside, although students like senior Julianna Doll wanted to do nothing more.
Like seniors Stephanie Teeling and Sam Estvander, many students once again turned to Netflix and other television programs to find entertainment.
On the contrary, students like senior Courtney Giebel wished they were as lucky.
So how did people spend this extremely frigid day? Sledding, eating food, listening to music and experimenting with science were some of the most popular pastimes.
Senior David Gizzi counted up the number of days the senior class has had off of school while at Central:
The district and its students are left wondering if this “snowpocalypse” will last any longer than Tuesday.
Online Managing Editor Meaghan Bedigian contributed to this story.