New Staff 2016: Mike Schultz

Prem Chandrasekar, Correspondent

Why Teaching?

I knew I wanted to teach since high school. So here I am, teaching biology.

Why Biology?

Because biology is everywhere. Biology is life. I also had a biology teacher in high school the got me into it.

What is your favorite activity to do outside of school?

Relax and hangout with friends and my family, especially my nieces and nephews.

What is your favorite thing to teach in Biology?


What is your favorite food?


What is your favorite song?

I’m a big country fan, so any country song.

You are given 1 million dollars by a random person. What would you do?

I would travel and get season tickets to Cubs and Packers games. I would also donate and save some of the money.

Describe biology in 5 words or less.

Study of life, aka everything.