Central welcomes new staff members for 22-23 school year

Emily Chalut
September 19, 2022
Q: What is your name?
A: Emily Chalut
Q: What is your position here at Central?
A: French Teacher
Q: What is your background, whether that’s education or past experience?
A: I went to Miami University in Ohio for my undergrad, and I studied French. I was a flight attendant for seven years, and [for] part of that time [I] was based in Paris. Then I got my masters at DePaul, and I taught for some time on the North Side [of Chicago], but then I moved to Michigan. I taught French at a high school and middle school outside Kalamazoo, Michigan. I lived in Michigan for several years, [and I] just moved here.
Q: What was it like being a flight attendant and living in Paris for that time?
A: It was a good opportunity. [Being a flight attendant] is based on your seniority, and after 9/11, a lot of people didn’t want to fly. I didn’t have a family at that time, so I was able to go [to Paris, since there were openings there]. When a lot of people came back, they kicked me out [since I had less experience] and I came right back to Chicago. So that was a good experience, improving my French, and meeting different people.
Q: What are you involved in outside of teaching? Do you have any hobbies?
A: I’ve run some marathons, but it’s been a while. I play the Irish fiddle, but I’m very bad at reading music. It’s a great lifelong skill if you can always play. I like to play golf, and I like to ski. I was able to do a lot more skiing [in Michigan], but it’s a little bit harder here.
Q: Do you work with any extracurricular activities or clubs here at Central?
A: Not yet. I’m only part time right now, and I have 2 kids, so I’ve been kind of busy with them.
Q: Are there any you’d like to get involved in?
A: I’d be interested in doing something in the future, but I haven’t quite figured that out yet.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share?
A: No, I’m just super excited to be here and I love the students here. They’re definitely the most accomplished and motivated students I’ve ever worked with. It’s been great. They’re always blowing my mind.