District 203’s Dual Language program, which immerses Spanish-speaking and English-speaking students in their respective languages, will change after evaluation of the program.
Recent data shows a drop in reading test scores among Limited English Proficiency students in the Dual Language program, according to a District 203 presentation from the Jan. 7 board meeting.
At the Jan. 7 board meeting, board member Dave Weeks brought attention to the deterioration in standardized test scores among third and fourth graders.
“I remember seeing [research that supported the Dual Language program],” said Board of Education President Mike Jaensch in an interview with the Naperville Sun, “but it’s not what I’m seeing [in the district].”
The Dual Language program is currently offered at Beebe, Elmwood, Mill Street, Maplebrook and Steeple Run elementary schools, with each attendance area enrolled at the corresponding school, according to the District 203 website. However, This fall, students in all other attendance areas have the ability to attend River Woods Elementary School for Dual Language opportunities.
The goal of the program is for students to be able to speak English and Spanish proficiently. Currently, kindergarteners in the program are taught at a ratio of 80 percent Spanish to 20 percent English, according to the Naperville Sun, but by the end of the year, they should be taught equally in both Spanish and English.
The students learn with the same group of students until fifth grade and are given literacy instruction in both English and Spanish, according to the District 203 website.
Discussion on the issue will be continued at the next board meeting in February.