January 2013 marked the first broadcast of “Science Next Door,” Fermilab’s monthly informational newscast. The video aims to inform more people about activities held at the Warrenville laboratory.
“Science Next Door” is viewable on public access stations in Geneva, St. Charles and Naperville; the Fermilab website and the future “Science Next Door” YouTube channel.
“I want to get more people interested in visiting Fermilab,” said Salles. “[There are] lectures and really interesting science being carried out pretty much right in [your] backyard.”
According to Salles, while many visiting opportunities are available to the public, they’re not very well-known.
“We have a regular Arts and Lectures series that brings in scientists and musicians from around the world,” said Salles. “We have Ask-A-Scientist that’s on the first Sunday of every month…and [you] can get a tour of the lab at the same time.”
Sophomore Catherine Chang visited Fermilab for field trips, but never knew of any other opportunities.
“[‘Science Next Door’ was] pretty helpful,” said Chang. “It gives you the time, price and what the [event is] about.”
“Science Next Door” will cover more than just monthly information. As well as the newscast about Fermilab events, “Science Next Door” will broadcast other science-related videos made at Fermilab and some of the experiments done at the laboratory.
While the first “Science Next Door” newscast can be viewed online at fnal.gov. Other videos can be seen at youtube.com/fermilab.
Fermilab creates newscast
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About the Contributor
Catt Kim, Managing Editor, Opinions Columnist
CT Email: [email protected]
Favorite quote: "By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be a boss and work 12 hours a day." - Robert Frost
Best memory at Central: Going to Boston for a newspaper convention
A word that describes me is: Realistic
My interest in journalism is: Design