As a staff, the Central Times strives to recognize the accomplishments, talents, personalities, ambitions and dreams of the diverse student body. Each week, the Central Times will interview an outstanding Central student from each grade level and then feature these students on our website,, as Redhawks of the Week. These students are nominated by their peers. If you wish to nominate an outstanding Central student for Redhawks of the Week, please tweet the student’s name and grade to @centraltimes, message the Central Times on Facebook, or submit your nomination during school to Room 218, the Central Times office.

1. What are your post high school plans?
I really want to teaching junior high or high school music so I will be majoring in Music Ed next year at either North Central College or Elmhurst College.
2. What are you passions and interests? What activities are you involved in at school and outside of school?
I love pretty much anything that involves performing. I love to sing, dance, act, and just be onstage. I do the musical every year and participate in choir. I also dance on the Poms and Orchesis teams at school. I do community theatre in the summer.
3. What are you most proud of?
I’m proud of the way I’ve been able to balance so many activities during my four years of high school. Sometimes I get super overwhelmed or stressed because of everything that I do, but I never quit anything. In fact, I’ve added on extra things as I went along. But I’m really proud of the way I’ve stayed sane and involved and worked to do my best at all the things I do academically and extracurricularly.
4. What is your life dream?
My life dream is to move to New York City and do some chorus work on Broadway for a few years before taking a teaching job in the city or the surrounding suburbs and having future Broadway stars in my classes.
5. What is something about you that you would like other Redhawks to know about you?
I love to quote movies and I have a really weird memory for quotes.
6. Favorite high school memory?
I have so many but one that stands out is when we went to the state finals in football this year and won. Our whole school was united, cheering on our fellow Redhawks and the camaraderie I felt throughout the school population was truly amazing. It was also my first and most likely last, since I won’t be dancing in college, time dancing on a college football field.
7. Favorite joke or favorite inspirational quote
“But just remember this – weird’s good. Embrace the weird, dude. Enjoy it because it’s never going away.” Tim Tharp, from the book, “The Spectacular Now”
8. What is something you can’t live without?
9. What are three adjectives you would use to describe yourself?
Positive, Quirky, Caring
10. If your life were a movie, what would be the title?
“True Confessions of an Awkward Broadway Wannabe”
11. Who is your biggest hero or role model and why?
My biggest role model is my brother. He has always worked so hard to achieve the things he has in his life and his work ethic is truly astounding. He knows what he wants and does his best to get it by always putting his best effort forth and working toward his goals.
12. What is a motto you live your life by?
All you need is love