Freedom of Speech?
Central not immune to post-election tensions
In this staged photo, a Central student wears an “I support Blake” pin on her chest. Several students were instructed to remove or hand over the buttons.
November 11, 2016
Update as of 11/15/16 at 4:16 p.m.
Since this article was originally posted, Jackson and the other student involved in the incident have reconciled.
Jackson released the following statement: “I’m glad [the student] and I reconciled. We may never be as close [of] friends as we [once] were again, but I’m happy it’s finally over.”
The other student has not yet responded to the Central Times’ request for comment.
Update as of 11/15/16 at 1:51 p.m.
It was previously reported that Anna Novak, senior, was asked to remove her pin by administration. After further investigation, the Central Times has determined that this did not occur. An unnamed student was asked to give his or her pin to an administrator, and the student did so willingly and the pin was returned the next day.
Additionally, the image of the text messages has been removed from this article. It was originally posted with the intention of providing context for the incident. The Central Times was well within its rights as a publication to post the image. However, the reaction from readers has morphed the image into a catalyst of hate, which is contrary to the intention of the Central Times editorial board.
Finally, the comment section of this article is no longer active. It was shut off at 6:00 p.m. on Nov. 14 by the Central Times Editor-in-Chief Lexi Haskell. The Central Times refuses to condone the hate speech and harassment that was circulating in the comments section.
“My actions were not right in any circumstances, but there is only so much a person can take.”
In the wake of Tuesday’s election of Donald Trump as the next president, many Americans feel they’ve reached a breaking point. Junior Blake Jackson is one of them.
So when Jackson received a racially insensitive text message from a friend, he responded the next day—with his fists.
Jackson was suspended for the altercation, and as news of the incident spread, so too did word that the student who provoked him was not sanctioned. Given that Jackson is African-American and the other student, a freshman, is white, this narrative sparked outrage among classmates who heard about it. That part of the story was false, however, as Central administration has since confirmed that both students were reprimanded for the incident.
Reportedly intended as a joke, Jackson said he could not accept what he read as such.
“When he sent me that message in [a] group chat, something went through me,” Jackson said. “Who would say such a thing like that to another human being?”
Some students reacted to the news by wearing buttons the next day to demonstrate their support for Jackson. Anna Novak, a senior, organized the pins.
“I was devastated [when I heard what happened],” Novak said. “Not only as a friend to the student involved, but as a member of the NCHS community. As a student here at Central, it pains me to see my fellow students treat each other with disrespect.”
Tensions escalated further when Novak was instructed to remove her pin by a member of Central’s administrative staff in violation of her First Amendment rights. Other students were told to do the same.
“We are not targeting specific people, and we are not in any way acting out with violence or threats,” Novak said. “We are showing love and support to all. We are fighting against racism, against discrimination, and against hate.”
This incident at Central, it turns out, is part of a larger surge of intolerance, as stories have filtered in from around the country of minority students being harassed. At a Michigan junior high, for example, a video went viral of students disrupting a lunch period by chanting “build a wall.” At Central, Principal Bill Wiesbrook addressed students over the public address system on Wednesday to emphasize the need for sensitivity and positive behavior.
Novak considers her show of support for Jackson to be exactly that.
“The response from the pins was very uplifting,” Novak said. “It was amazing to see all of the students who wanted to get involved and help spread support with us. It showed that we have the power to do good in our school, and we plan on it.”
The CT reached out to the other student involved in the altercation for comment. His mother spoke on his behalf, emphasizing that her son’s comments were within his First Amendment rights.
jim • Nov 16, 2016 at 4:11 pm
Did Blake say that cops should be killed? If so, any response is fair game
Kirubel Mesfin • Nov 16, 2016 at 11:07 am
As a black student at District 203 who is already afraid of what is to come, seeing the PARENTS fight over something like this genuinely makes me disappointed. You guys are supposed to be the MODELS for the next generation, and when I see something like this, I start to wonder whether anything has changed since the ’50’s. We are supposed to come together, not fight each other. It’s situations like these that only enhance stereotypes that have been passed down from PARENTS. I, for one, can gladly say I am not going to turn out like you guys, and hopefully, I will be able to teach my children one day and be able to use this as an example…
Masood Ahmed • Nov 15, 2016 at 5:55 pm
You know I don’t understand why someone would say something so offensive and racist, and on top of that his mom is defending him. At the same time that did not give Blake the right to beat the kid who was just a freshmen. I am asking the mom of the freshmen not to press charges and forgive his actions. I also believe the freshmen should offer an apology and so should Blake.
A Minority • Nov 15, 2016 at 1:01 pm
You guys are making this about race when it is really about two people getting into a fight. I guarantee that if it wasn’t a white guy to a minority this article wouldn’t exist and you would not be arguing. You guys are throwing insults at each other over a problem in between two people.
That guy • Nov 15, 2016 at 11:56 am
Opinions are like cars, everyone has one. Don’t people have anything better to do than to comment on a story that should not be public? In addition, why is this story blaming the election for this behavior from both sides?
Sue D • Nov 15, 2016 at 10:04 am
I happened upon this article when it appeared on my facebook feed. I’m so sad it did.
This is such a sad reflection upon humanity. The actions of the students are sad. The actions of some of the adults participating in this discussion are worse. And even worse than that is the realization of the environment these children have had that fostered this behavior.
Please, teach peace, and take responsibility for your actions, and the actions of your children, and then make things right, peacefully. We all make mistakes, it’s how we deal with them that defines us.
Joanna • Nov 15, 2016 at 12:17 am
To all that have posted in the last several days: On behalf of my son and my family I want to apologize to Blake, his family, the students, parents and staff at NCHS. What took place this past week has been devastating and disruptive to all of you. And it was due to my sons behavior. The text message my son smet in that group chat to Blake was disgusting and so mean and just sickening. I cannot even imagine how Blake and his mom must of felt when they saw the text message. Blake had to be devastated. Chris is suppose to be his friend. And I cannot even make excuses for the words my son used in the text. They were horrible and we are so embarrassed. I cannot even imagine how Blake feels. I kept asking my son…why would you say that? Where did you even come up with this? Why did you say that to Blake? When I read the message my son sent to Blake…I thought this is what you see on the news and we say in our home… who would do something like that? They should be ashamed of themselves to treat another human being like that. We never thought our child would do that. Well we just had a rude awakening. We are mortified. My son is ashamed and embarrassed. As he should be. And he did this to his friend. I am embarrassed to even say this…he said he thought Blake would think it was funny. I said why would you ever think something like that would be funny? I also want to apologize for my rude and incentive post from Saturday. When I saw the article I panicked and did not know what to do. I should of stopped and taken a moment to think. I just went into “mom” mode and my defense mechanisms went into full gear. I was embarrassed when I saw the article. But that was inconsiderate. I took away the right of Blake’s feelings. I took away Blakes support. And made it about my family’s feelings. I have been sitting here tonight and I wanted to post a comment but was nervous to even click on the website. (I have stayed off the site). But my son, husband and myself feel awful for what has happened to Blake. We caused Blake a lot of heartache this week. And we are ashamed. We had the privilege this morning to meet with Blake and his mom. They were amazing! His mom has raised a wonderful young man. As soon as we saw Blake and his mom we all started crying. They are both so kind and forgiving. Chris and Blake talked and the parents talked. They were so strong together. To be able to sit across the table from us and be so kind and forgiving was just amazing. They are blessed and we have learned a lot from Blake and his mom. Blake has been to my home and he is great friends with my nephew and my niece. (My niece was very emotional when she posted her comments) there were so many emotions running high that Blake and his mom were worried about my niece and my nephew…and their mom (my sister). That is a strong mother and son! Here we are and we are apologizing and we were in the wrong. And they are concerned about my family. I was speechless. Out of all this my son said he wishes he could go back to that one moment and change everything. Seeing Blake and Chris in the same room was awesome. And we were lucky enough to meet his mom. She is just amazing! I keep saying that because that is what she is…strong and amazing! Just like her son. Blake…Chris and his family support you. We encourage the students to keep supporting Blake. My son learned how what you say to someone can be so hurtful and can change how a person sees himself. And how he see you. Because we told Chris that this is about Blake and his feelings. I hope that the boys will be friends again. And I am so happy we got the chance to talk with Blake and meet his mom. Again they are amazing! I wanted to just say one thing…someone posted something about my sister being arrested (or something like that) that is not true. My sister has never been arrested. If someone speaks about that can we just please say that is untrue and we will leave it at that. Her son goes to NCHS and is great friends with Blake. And the boys are still great friends today! Thank you very much. I hope one day some of you get to meet Blakes mom. (Obviously under different circumstances) because is so kind and again amazing! And Blake thank you for your forgiveness. (I am not going to go back and proof read because I am so tired so hopefully this post makes sense). And one last thing…just thought if this. When I said it was under my sons First Amendment Right to say what he said. I do not believe that. I said that in the heat of the moment when I was standing in the police station because some of the tweets were threatening. So it was bad timing in the phone call. Not her fault she was just trying to get a comment from my son. She did not say anything wrong when she wrote that. It was my fault and I apologize to her. ( I believe it was Lexi). You were trying to report and you asked for a comment. I apologize. (Maybe my family needs some anger management classes). For real. Have a good night to all.
Jack • Nov 14, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Listen I’m about to throw my two sense in, call me a racist but what Blake did was wrong. Punching someone over a racist comment is not right, he does techinacally have the right to spew his racist comment just as people have the right to wear “I support Blake buttons.” Me and my friends say racist things all the time to each other and my friend group consists of at least two whites one being German, a hairy Italian kid, an African American and an Asian. The world is not a place where everyone is gonna say the nicest things and help you to your safe space. The sooner we realize words are just words, the sooner we become stronger people. So that’s it words are words, time to move on. Chris said something racist which was a stupid mistake by him and Blake punched him which was wrong.
Student A • Nov 14, 2016 at 2:06 pm
As a student at central, I support all acts of kindness. Anna and Peter, thank you two for stepping up as students to show support for your peers and for demonstrating that our school will not tolerate racism. Lexi, thank you for sharing this story and getting parents talking about the issue. Central students and parents, we need to come together to support kindness in all forms. We cannot justify hatred and we cannot justify violence. All students deserve respect and should not have to tolerate anything less than the utmost respect from classmates. Parents should be setting examples for us students by rallying together and not taking sides, rather showing us how to live our lives with respect for all in all of our actions and words.
Astonished European • Nov 14, 2016 at 12:58 pm
Never mind what the kids in this story did – the behavior of the ADULTS is beyond belief!
What are you people doing? You live in a community, share schools, events, friends and so much more. How did this horrible election turn everyone against each other?
If my child suggested buying a slave I would be shocked and worried about my child’s frame of mind and seek serious help.
If my child responded to such insults with violence I would be shocked and worried about my child’s frame of mind and seek serious help.
Instead of helping your children mature into empathetic and responsible adults, the adults here exhibit even more bad behavior. Shame on you!
No matter who your president is, don’t you all have a responsibility to raise kind, helpful, sociable and empathetic children? You should be working through this TOGETHER – as a community.
God bless you all. I hope you find a way to heal.
Julie anne • Nov 14, 2016 at 8:04 am
Hopefully that is true….we will see…thank you for your peaceful words it is greatly appreciated!
Kindness Wins • Nov 14, 2016 at 8:51 am
No problem. We must be rational and kind as we move forward in a country full of hatred and racism. It is the only way we can make everyones lives better.
Have a wonderful day!
Kindness Wins • Nov 13, 2016 at 9:56 pm
Matthew 7.1: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Please think before you comment because once the words are out there, they are out there forever. But also think before you pass judgement, because you will be judged the same way.
From now on, please be kind. Do not attack eachother or spread slanderous information about either the students, families, or commenters.
Naperville Central supports be the 3 & anti cyber bullying campaigns because we are a school built on kindness. While this event may have not shown that, I know we will learn to be better from it.
We support acceptance, love, and being kind. Anyone who comments with words that don’t reflect this are not representing NCHS and our student body.
Kindness Wins • Nov 13, 2016 at 9:48 pm
I encourage you to contact your friend who made the pins and we should get a new round of pins going.
Instead of saying I support Blake, they should say “I support kindness”.
A world without kindness would be a dark place, and we have to love eachother.
Kevin Kulak • Nov 13, 2016 at 8:21 pm
Let’s keep it classy Central parents. Calling each other names and making threats and insults advance nothing in this discussion. Please try to show our kids there is a way to have very difficult discussions civilly. Or, perhaps our kids can teach us a thing or two in this regard.
Great job Lexi and Anna for publishing the article and getting involved. This election has stoked many emotions and surfaced many fears. In this charged atmosphere I’d imagine this isn’t going to be an isolated incident. I believe that media like the Central Times, and good people becoming engaged, will be critical to constructively working through tough situations like this.
While we may not be able to know the full context of why the freshman and junior each said what they did, I can see no possible justification for either. The great thing about free speech is that you can learn a lot about someone whether they say something great or horrible. A physical altercation is also clearly not the right way resolve a situation when you feel threatened or insulted by what someone says. I hope that the administration promptly addresses this incident with the whole school and makes clear how it should have been handled.
Kindness Wins • Nov 13, 2016 at 9:57 pm
Kevin you’re fantastic. This response is rational, kind and exactly what everyone needs to hear. Thank you
Julie anne • Nov 13, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Kindness Wins • Nov 13, 2016 at 9:51 pm
I’m sorry are you twelve? It is a well known fact when a person has nothing intelligent to say they begin to bash their opponent. We have seen this in the election.
Speak with kindness, and you will gain a lot more respect.
Also, I am entirely sure your family has its own regret but that does not mean another family should post it publically. The “disordly conduct charge” you’re speaking of is non existment. If you had checked your facts you would have known this.
Be kind always.
Julie anne • Nov 13, 2016 at 5:59 pm
Hey didn’t kaitlyns mom Jennifer get a disorderly conduct charge for calling some female students bitches???? I remember all the talk about that at the time…..runs in the family!
Julie anne • Nov 13, 2016 at 5:55 pm
How would the Italian racists like to be called a slur…throughout time Italians have not liked black folks even though most all of their features are almost identical…..just admit you and your entire family are racists…..hey blake call the cannon!
Julie anne • Nov 13, 2016 at 5:46 pm
How would the Italian racists like to be called a slur…throughout time Italians have not liked black folks even though most all of their features are almost identical…..just admit you and your entire family are racists…..hey blake call the cannon!
Peter • Nov 13, 2016 at 11:44 am
Before anyone associates anything about the pins with Blake, he did not make them. Anna and I made them out of love and support for him because he was having a tough time with the whole situation. Blake should not be blamed for the in-school support. Blame us for wearing pins that say “I support Blake,” which in no way means anything about Chris. I feel bad about the whole situation and was helping a friend.
Hope • Nov 13, 2016 at 11:28 am
Anna and Lexi- Bravo to you both for being so courageous and for executing your first amendment right. Stay strong and don’t let the family of the boy who made racist comment bring you down. They are bullies. They can’t even spell or type correctly, while you are both articulate. Good news is that this article has been shared on social media and you have lots of support.
Kindness Wins • Nov 13, 2016 at 9:46 pm
Just wanted to clarify that the comments made by the people attacking Anna and Lexi are not family members of the student who made the racist comment. Please do not make assumptions.
Also, please motivate and congratulate others WITHOUT putting anyone else down, it is much more fufilling. Your comment was rather passive aggressive, so please refrain from comments like that in the future. Kindness wins always.
To climb the latter of success, you do not need to use the heads of others as rungs.
John galliano • Nov 13, 2016 at 11:12 am
Bobby M Carlson get a life, no one cares about your opinions. Attack of a young girl? You should be ashamed of yourself. You wife is a teacher correct? Is that what she does? spew hate from her mouth to her students? Maybe someone should call your wife’s school and let them know her husband is supporting hate and threatening young girls. Talking about ones family and calls young girls racist? Because they are sticking up for a family member? Please worry about living through your son, because you couldn’t hack it In the minors. No one cares what you think. Please stay away from your girls and students, with your harassing name calling. Your a threatened a young women. Calling her a RUBE? That’s a racist comment of a Northern white person. I would call that racist! Look at you!! Spreading hate to young women.
Bobby Carlsen • Nov 14, 2016 at 9:51 pm
Today, I was directed to this website because a friend indicated that, wrongly by the way, you thought I posted something related to this issue. I have now read through the article and comments and I would appreciate an apology from whomever “John Galliano” is. A few corrections…
1.My name is Robert J Carlsen, please notice the different middle initial and second to last letter in my last name…It’s an e.
2. I did not graduate from Naperville Central, but Naperville North.
3. I don’t know what a RUBE is, nor would I use it to hurt someone’s feelings.
4. Please don’t bring my son into your issue. That crosses a line. If you want to throw shade on me for being a professional baseball player and not making the Major League, I can take it.
5. I am a compassionate person, who genuinely cares about people. I’m not racist, misogynist, or any other -ist that is bad:)
I hope to hear from you soon. My email is [email protected]
Unity • Nov 13, 2016 at 9:00 am
Wow, the mom of the son who was punched and the cousin were clearly very busy on here last night using multiple different names.
I do not condone violence and Blake was wrong to hit. Kids make mistakes and then have to accept the consequences. He should have taken the text to the school and police because it contained hate and racist comments. Whatever Blake said that caused your son/cousin to reply in a racist manner is irrelevant. Blake shouldn’t have punched him either and I think he admitted it. Mother and cousin- where is your apology for racist comments he made? You could have used this as a teachable moment, instead you said he was using his first amendment rights. Kids make mistakes and say and do the wrong things when they are angry, but they need consequences. Then you used hate when you attacked someone who made a comment. Mothers set an example for their kids. For you not to apologize, you made his behavior acceptable. That’s why you were called a bad mother.
Anna seems like an amazing young lady because she supported a friend and used her freedom of speech to bring attention to the racist comments. She wasn’t supporting the fact that he hit another student, she supporting him because he was the victim too.
I want to thank Anna and Lexi for their bravery and positive use of their first amendment rights. Stay strong and know that not adults are as rude as the ones on here.
Lisa M • Nov 13, 2016 at 3:00 am
*How would you feel?!
Love Trumps Hate • Nov 13, 2016 at 10:37 am
Lisa, how did you type this with your head so far up your ass? Anna just said that this pin is not targeting anyone, but is used to support love and acceptance. Lisa you just showed your true colors. And to every other racist here, everyone has the right to freedom of speech, but if you’re going to say racist and bigoted things, don’t act all shocked when there’s backlash. I do not support violence, but I do not support all of you racists supporting another racist. P.S Lisa, learn to spell before you attack a high schooler.
Lisa M • Nov 13, 2016 at 10:45 am
It’s called a typo, do live with your mommy?
Love Trumps Hate • Nov 13, 2016 at 3:02 pm
Lisa, I actually do live with my mom considering I am still in high school… Also, It’s spelled “Suppose” not “Sapose”, was that a typo too??? Also, you might want to re-read your reply to me because there was an error in that too.
Lisa M • Nov 13, 2016 at 2:58 am
Anna, how about I mke a pin, that says Anna is a bully for making pins! How would that make you feel? Sapose everyone walking around school was wearing those? Maybe someone will get your picture and. Are a life size poster of you and attach it to a stick and boycott in school, your face and attach BULLY next to it? How wools you feel? Next time think about your actions. Now you have become the bully.
Anna • Nov 13, 2016 at 11:11 am
Hello Lisa.
I do not see why I would be called a bully, do to that fact I have not bullied anyone. I think everyone is a little confused on what “I Support Blake” actually means. “I Support Blake” means I stand up against hate and racist comments, NOT fighting. We do not condone violence, and Blake was rightfully reprimanded for his actions. If students consider me a bully, and would like to to boycott and protest, they have the right to. We live in a democracy, and I cannot change people’s opinions. In my heart, I have stood up for what I believe in, and I feel proud. Other students calling me a bully won’t make me feel bad about myself, but if they need to do so to better their lives, they are more than welcome to. This article, after all, is about freedom of speech.
Anna • Nov 13, 2016 at 11:12 am
And it looks like I have made a typo as well, “do to” should be “due to”. People may call me stupid for doing that, again, freedom of speech is your right. If you feel the need to reply back that I made a mistake, feel free to do so.
Truth • Nov 16, 2016 at 8:07 pm
Anna, do not feel stupid. Lisa, you cannot spell. “Sapose”… please let me know what word that is SUPPOSED to be. Dear all outspoken mothers who need to go back to high school on here. You should worry more about learning how to parent your kids and your OWN education. BUT instead, you are teaching your children to be racist. Why don’t you guys put this much effort into your homes. BUT you wont because you are the bad stereotype of Naperville moms.
Alexia • Nov 13, 2016 at 2:09 am
• Invasion of privacy: legal restrictions defined by state law that limit the ability of journalists to gather and publish certain private information about individuals.
• Libel: publication of false statements of fact that damage a person’s reputation.
Editor in chief LEXI HASKEL your guilty of this! You do not have all the facts!!!
Kevin • Nov 13, 2016 at 5:47 pm
Also, she’s not guilty of either of those. Not only did she block out the names in order to protect privacy, she’s also telling both sides of the story and reporting only facts. Never once was the other student’s name mentioned. It was his family that allowed his identity to be revealed. Central Times did everything to protect his privacy and they did all they could to get every single fact. I suggest you try and educate yourself on the situation before you comment on this article again. You need to try and grow up and stop attacking high school students. You’re just as bad as the kid that sent those racist messages. I support Blake and I’m against racism. I wonder how you can sleep at night after defending someone that committed a hate crime. I hope you rethink your comment and I hope you have a good night.
Maureen • Nov 13, 2016 at 7:20 pm
Well stated, Kevin.
Kindness Wins • Nov 13, 2016 at 9:42 pm
This piece clearly had the intention of only supporting the issue but while his name was not stated it was incredibly obvious. Comments should not have been allowed on this article as it is too controversial.
The student who made the comments was in middle school 6 months ago, and while that does not justify his actions, it helps to explain his behavior. If we live in a world where we don’t extend forgiveness and put ourself in each other’s shoes, we truly will tear eachother apart in the end. We can support Blake without ruining the life of a freshman who may live the next 4 years of high school miserable, scared, and drowning in insecurities because of this. We HAVE to build others up without pushing anyone else down. This article highlighted the bad that was down instead of highlighting how the student body supported a fellow student.
John Smith • Nov 14, 2016 at 12:28 pm
Dear Alexia,
What you said there is wrong. Lexi Haskell has done her community a tremendous service, and we should thank her for that. She put herself out there and did her job as a journalist, and we should all commend her for that. In no way did she put her own opinion in the article, or attempt to influence the reader. She presented only facts, and nothing more. The part of the text chain was censored to ensure the attacker’s privacy. I have taken Mr. Carlson’s Journalism class, and I know that he is a good man and would never use the Central Times to attack a student. She is at no fault during this, and she should be applauded.
Best Wishes,
Alexia • Nov 13, 2016 at 1:04 am
How is this related to the election Lexi? Little girl get your facts straight. Is this what our taxes pay for? Our children to go to school and be bullied by the central times!? To spread hate? You say your not supporting either side! But yet you only print one part of the text message? Did you have permission from both students to take a picture of a private conversation between two people? And print it on social media? You violated both students privacy!! I hope the parents press charges, And hope the student is held accountable for his actions. Did the student who was told all white police officers should be killed, commit violence on the student? no he did not!! He was bullied by the other student!! Could it be you wrote this because he is your friend? you wonder why millennial generation is the way they are. Grow up honey, get the whole story next time, and please talk about something positive. Not start a bullying campaign against a kid who was bullied himself and then had assault committed on him.
MaryJo • Nov 13, 2016 at 12:35 am
Lynette, what would have happened if the boy that was attacked, had died from head injury? Then how would you feel? Each individual has freedom of speech, right or wrong. Just as each boy said something terrible, both are wrong . Naperville Central times condoning violence is just plain wrong. Instead of committing assault and battery, possibly the boy who the comments were directed to, could of told his parent and discussed it with the other parent. I do not support either side, but I will say violence is never the answer. Parents need to teach their children that they can not just put their hands on someone just because they being told something horrible. Does the alcoholic who was brought up by abusive parents, that drives him to drink. Decides to get into a car drives drunk and kills a whole family, right? I think not! Should we just give him a pass? Bc he had a terrible upbringing? Should we just say oh well he had abusive parents so that makes it right. Let’s give him no punishment? I think not. My child was bullied in high school for two years. Do you think he went to school and committed assault and battery? No he did not. There are two sides to every story, and unfortunately you do not hear both sides. Shame on you Naperville Central for condoning violence, and supporting just one side of the story. The whole story should be told. What is more disturbing what kind of teachers are there at Naperville Central that would even allow something like this be discussed without the facts. Both children are being harassed by social media. Naperville Central, the right thing would have been to sit both of the students down and discuss why this was wrong. No child is perfect and they make mistakes, glamorizing violence is just plain ignorant. To the writer who wrote this article, get all the facts straight, that’s what grown up’s should do, Very sad they condone you bullying both students. The boy who stabbed a couple because he was made fine of at a party in Naperville last year, is sitting in jail. Should we let him out to??? This should never even gotten to this, the school should of intervened and put a end to all this. Writing this article only makes it bulling to both students. Reiner they are minors. The writer of this article is no better then either student, your doing the same thing! Spreading hate!! Anna as for making the buttons then maybe you should of put supporting peace and love. Not just one person name, your just as guilty as both students. Lynette what purpose is it to call the mother who was standing by her son a bad mom? The way I see it, your the bad mom condoning violence. Now who is the BULLY? LYNETTE?
Alexia • Nov 12, 2016 at 11:59 pm
It’s not a hate crime!!!! That’s just your uneducated poor intelligence, speaking. Are you a attorney? Ellen freedom??!! Was not directed towards BLAKE! That’s the part they didn’t show you. Apparently you support white police officers being shot to death!!!’ That’s the part of the text message you didn’t see!! But again since you have no idea the whole truth, shut your mouth please, his mother is a amazing parent, and comes from a close family. Obviously you have nothing better to do but read the central times. Feel sorry for you. Have a great night.
Ellen freedom • Nov 12, 2016 at 10:34 pm
To the mother and cousin of the kid who made the the racist commet,
Hate breeds hate and he heard what he said from you. Stop yelling and deflecting on Lynnette who was using her right of free speech like you said your son/cousin was using. Both kids should have gotten in trouble. Hate speech and violence are NOT acceptable. I congratulate you on protecting your son but your tactics on it were just as outrageous as your sons. His comments were racist and the kids were supporting him with their first amendment rights. If you sue him on assault, he will counter sue on a hate crime. What will you get out of it? More hate. Our country needs us to stand together and not point fingers. Please stop the hate. Stop racism now and be an example.
Lisa M • Nov 13, 2016 at 2:21 am
She won’t sue on assault, she will press criminal charges for assault and battery. What he said was freedom of speech, again right or wrong. Blake committed a crime. Small minded and have no idea what your talking about.
Truth • Nov 16, 2016 at 7:54 pm
“you’re”. How can you guys teach your children if you need to go back to high school.
Anna Novak • Nov 12, 2016 at 10:18 pm
Hello everyone, my name is Anna, I made the pins. I would just like to say that once again, the pins are not about targeting any students or about making any students feel bad. We are not condoning violence, and we are not condoning harassment. In light of the recent election, we, as students, chose to utilize our freedom of speech and advocate for a topic we feel strongly about. The article is explaining that. It is not taking either side of the student, and truly it’s not possible to do that because both students are at fault and responsible for their own actions. Though the pins say “I support Blake”, it truly means “I support love”, “I support respect”, and “I support acceptance”. Please do not focus on the students involved, who did what, the outcome, or any of that. That is not what is important here, it’s about students utilizing their right to voice their opinions and better their community. Thank you.
Sandy • Nov 13, 2016 at 10:14 am
Blake isnt about love and respect. He attacked another individual.
Anna • Nov 13, 2016 at 11:25 am
We understand that, and that is why we said that we are NOT condoning violence. Blake started a fight and Blake got suspended. When students fight, they get suspended. Those are the rules, and we enforce them. We can’t go back and stop him from fighting, and we cant go back and stop the other student from saying what he said. That is why the only way we can begin to resolve the situation is to put our best foot forward, to not spread anymore hateful comments, to not send any threats, but to forgive, to support, to rebuild ourselves stronger.
Kindness Wins • Nov 13, 2016 at 9:33 pm
If you wanted to support respect, love, and acceptance then you should have put that on the pins. Instead you chose to put a specific students name, and it turned into one student vs. another rather than just a group of students promoting good values and morals. I understand everyone makes mistakes, as the student who made the racist comment did, but your mistake was promoting bullying of a freshman student. A student who isn’t fully matured and was previously friends with Blake. I pray to God that the student doesn’t hate himself, and live every moment at school for the next four years in fear of all the students who wore your pins. And if he ends up killing himself, well then i guess the buttons will make it easier to assign blame. I believe he owes Blake a apology just as much as you owe the student one. Please put more thought into your actions.
No harsh feelings though just wanted to show you the reality of the situation. Please have a nice rest of your night, and take into consideration your actions in the future.
Trump • Nov 16, 2016 at 4:56 pm
¨I Support Blake¨ basically states that you support him punching the other kid, how about you make pins that conclude to support kindness. Both kids have done things of the total opposite of kindness, and choosing either side to put on a pin is meaningless.
Emame • Nov 12, 2016 at 10:16 pm
Elle • Nov 12, 2016 at 10:00 pm
Very well written article. Respectful and informative on the issue. Great job Lexi!
Kaitlyn Antrobus • Nov 12, 2016 at 7:53 pm
Maureen • Nov 12, 2016 at 9:36 pm
Lynette Benda is not condoning violence. She is supporting freedom of speech. That’s what this is about. No where did she say she supported Blake’s actions. And she is a good mother. That comment thrown in there serves no purpose in this dialogue.
Truth • Nov 16, 2016 at 7:52 pm
How can you go to the police academy is you cannot even spell a word you would need to write in a complaint…. ugh… you probably do not even know what a complaint is… I am not even AS upset anymore. You cannot even spell. Stick with the MS.
Sean • Nov 12, 2016 at 6:52 pm
This is so dumb, how the principal can tell us to stop speaking our mind and showing are support for equality after this fiasco erupted, he should be supporting your cause and doing all he can to stop this, instead of banning all political talk.
Lynette Benda • Nov 12, 2016 at 4:19 pm
This is definitely a violation of the students rights. They were peacefully supporting their friend. And shame on you, as a mother you should be mortified that your son made such comments to another human heing. You should be apologizing for, not defending HIS rights.
Ducky • Nov 12, 2016 at 6:08 pm
No, she’s right. He has the same first amendment guarantee to free speech, and the same right to get punched in the fucking face for saying it.
Joanna • Nov 12, 2016 at 7:44 pm
Lynette, When you get your law degree then come talk to me. You have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe you could speak with our lawyer and he will tell you what the law is. What my son said was wrong and he knows that. But that does not give someone the right to punch my son in the back of the head and put him in a head lock and punch his face. That is when the other student lost all his rights. It is called battery. So like I said when you go to law school come talk to me. And eveytime someone like you post a comment all you do is make it worse for the boy (not my son) because it makes out case stronger. Per my lawyer…my son will not be the one going through the system. So keep it up. That way we can keep documenting as much as possible. So thank you for helping us.
Lynette Benda • Nov 12, 2016 at 9:19 pm
I was simply commenting on the response, not on the attack. Im sorry you feel the way you do.
Dawg • Nov 13, 2016 at 12:25 am
Lynette: Why toss fuel on the fire. I realize this whole election has ‘traumatized’ the PC generation (Participation Certificate). You have no idea how to handle negative emotions. While your generation will be keeping Therapist busy for years to come, I suggest learning how to support the system, no matter who is in charge. Learn to be positive in looking for change. The button idea while a protected right under the first amendment, says to me you support taking on hate speech with violence.
Only speaking from the facts presented, Blake hitting the other student in the BACK of the head says he ‘sucker punched’ him. So what have we learned. 1) Don’t joke about race, it’s something we are born with and can’t change. 2) Take legal actions (such as reporting the text rather than starting a fight) , stay within the law. 3) Don’t make a martyr out of a criminal (Sorry Blake, a sucker punch is battery and you are now possibly a criminal) 4) Accept winning and losing gracefully.
I realize your PC generation is not responsible for the fact that you got a trophy or certificate just for showing up and losing wasn’t addressed….that’s really sad. Winning is so much more enjoyable when you know what defeat taste like.
I pray Blake and his former friend can patch things up and have a real heart to heart about race. We are all amazing people with differences that make us even more amazing.
– Peace out-
Unity Carlson • Nov 12, 2016 at 11:10 pm
Although it’s great to see a mom protect her son, you are wrong. What he said is racist. This is a hate crime and if you sue, they can counter sue on a hate crime and show how deep the racism goes. Keep documenting because I will be there to support Blake (who I don’t even know), but I’m educated and know the law too. Hate breeds hate and what a shame it will be to ruin your sons life with a law suit. Let it go and let there be peace. Be forgiving and use this to teach all kids about tolerance. Together we can change the world, divided will only cause more hate. Please bring us together and help.
Debra • Nov 13, 2016 at 10:05 am
If you had any sence you would know that Blake the criminal had said he wanted all cops dead and executed. The victim of this entire thing took that to heart and thats a hate crime as well considering his family is in the enforcement. Its sad that everyone will always side with blacks even when they are the one at fault.
Angel • Nov 13, 2016 at 7:01 am
Joanna – clearly we can see where your son gets his racist hate-filled attitude with the ignorant responses like yours and other family members. Kudos to the CT for covering this story. Good journalism in action.
Someone with a Law Degree • Nov 13, 2016 at 3:23 pm
From one legal professional to another, please read the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act 1994. 28 USC §994 Section 280003
Truth • Nov 16, 2016 at 7:38 pm
Joanna. 1. How sad that you cannot even address the fact that you raised a child that speaks like that. How sad and disgusting. You do NOT have a law degree. 2. It is comical how you would make that comment to Lynette and then reference how you had to speak to a lawyer. 3. I am guessing you are either a stay at home mom who either went to college to get her MS. OR you did not even do that. Pretty impressive that your only job is to raise your kids and you cannot even do that well. I am a lawyer, because unlike you I worked hard to learn the law and did not just marry a man with money. Typical Naperville stereotype Joanna.
Kaitlyn Antrobus • Nov 12, 2016 at 7:44 pm
Lynette, for u dont know what youre talking about. You should be mortified that youre sticking your nose where it doesnt belong. Dont you have something to do? Other than search the central times? If the author of this article was smart she wouldnt have posted this. This is a form of bullying and encouragement in violence. The person who sent that message is my cousin and im proud to tell you that. The person who sent that message is MY COUSIN. But if u had any intelligence you would look into the situation before you just open ur ignorant mouth. Blake, was telling my cousin that he wanted all police officers to be killed and exicuted. I, his family, am currently in the chicago police academy training to become an officer. What blake said first was degrading and ingnorant and i personally see no problem with what was said back. Did you know Lynette that the hero, Blake, violently and viciously attacked my cousin at school the next day. But its mothers like you that support violence. You are the bad mother for trying to stick your no good two cents into a topic that you dont even have the littlest of intelligence to understand. You are the bad mother for trying to ridicule my aunt, for her son, my family, is the victim. This article will not be taken lightly and When u see the headline on the news for a district 203 school violating privacy and condoing violence in their school news paper, i hope you feel ashamed for standing up for the juvenile. I STAND WITH FAMILY.
Kaitlyn Antrobus • Nov 12, 2016 at 7:51 pm
Lynette, you tell me why it is okay for BLAKE to say im punching you tomorrow and then follow through with it. In a court of law Blake would be charged with battery and asult. He in writing made a threat and then followed through with it. Blake will be held accountable, the author of this article, naperville central will be held accountable for the attacking and bullying on my cousin.
Robert M. Carlson • Nov 12, 2016 at 11:36 pm
That’s right…. go on…. defend the one who “jokes” about owning an African American as a slave- BY NAME… a student at NCHS …. when the system ignored the common vote and installed a racist President. Your post is so full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors I’m assuming you and your family of rubes were Trump supporters…. right? What other kind of family would raise a kid to use such disgusting language but a family of racists themselves. Is that why you’re all “lawyered-up” already? Hmmmm??? Apples don’t fall far from the tree. Your cousin deserves every bit of static this story will produce…. and trust me- families know what kind of families raise kids who would even THINK of using words like this. I wonder what kind of language your family uses around the table at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yep… you might need your lawyers as none of you know how to divert attention from your racist family. NCHS has gone down the toilet since I graduated there in the 80’s. We NEVER had talk like that. EVER. But racists asshats come in every town… even Naperville. Congratulations- you have announced yourselves as Naperville racists. Well done. Really. Well done.
Truth • Nov 16, 2016 at 7:47 pm
Learn how to spell. It is “executed” and “assault”. I think Naperville Central might not be able to be ranked 10 anymore. Well maybe you did not attend Central. I am interested to see if you work. I am guessing if Joanna is your cousin that you both just have your MS. Just to help the two of you out MS does NOT stand for masters. Both of you should work on being better stay at home mothers and get off this site.
Annie AntiRacism • Nov 13, 2016 at 12:26 am
The original events are disturbing to me, as is the parental response here. Yes, we love our children unconditionally, but we do them no favors by trying to defend indefensible behavior. This ought to be a teachable moment for the young men involved, not a moment to defend racism and lawyer up.
However, what is most disturbing to me is that a Chicago Police Department cadet, someone who will soon be in a position of power over the citizens of Chicago, would express her agreement with calling an African-American student a “slave” who could be “bought” and “whipped.”
For those who did not notice, carefully read Kaitlyn Androbus’s comment above. She complains about what Blake said, notes that she is currently in the Chicago Police Academy training to become an officer, and follows up by saying, “i personally see no problem with what was said back” by her cousin. What was said back was that Blake should be enslaved. This is an utterly inappropriate and, frankly, dangerous view for any member of a police department to hold. How many police shootings result from these kinds of viewpoints?
I encourage you all to contact the Chicago Police Academy and ask them to consider whether someone holding such a view ought to be a police officer, in light of the serious challenges both police and minority communities are facing at this time. Most police officers, of course, are wonderful, and of course they do not deserve to be threatened either. But the damage a bad police officer could do in a community is enormous. It deserves to be taken even more seriously than a (hopefully) isolated incident between two high schoolers. You can contact Paul Chester, a representative of the police academy, at [email protected].
Respectfully, a community member.
Debra • Nov 13, 2016 at 10:11 am
You can contact the police academy all you want. It is a freedom of speech to express how you feel and to agree with what someone says. Like i said before you didnt see the messages before hand. Saying all police should be killed is as well a hate crime. But it was okay for Blake to say that because why? Is it because its about police? So that makes it okay? There is no rule saying that i cant have a freedom of speech. I chuckle at you for trying to reprimand me for agreeing that his retaliation was ok. You all seem to think that blake lashing out and attacking the victim was ok. So let me agree that what he said back was ok.
Kris Smith • Nov 13, 2016 at 3:44 pm
Simple google search locates a gofundme for College of DuPage cheerleading. Perhaps she’s attending that police academy?
Annie AntiRacism • Nov 16, 2016 at 12:43 am
I have heard back from Officer Paul Chester. He says the correct contacts within the Chicago Police Department are Kelly Lewison, [email protected], and Keith Calloway, [email protected].
Please direct any further e-mails about Kaitlyn Antrobus being unfit for the position of Chicago police officer there.
Truth • Nov 17, 2016 at 6:14 am
Debra and Kaitlyn, I am impressed by the lack of education your family has. Yes, you have freedom of speech. BUT if you really are trying to go to the police academy (which I find very hard to believe that the academy is this desperate) just know that what you write in this forum or social media can and probably will come back to haunt you. Why? Because if you are ever called to testify at trial and the defense counsel believes that your act as an officer was racially motivated, that attorney can question you about things you have written on social media. Don’t worry about trying to take this down. I have already saved everything and sent it to the different surrounding lawyer associations for each of them to put your racist “freedom of speech” in their bad cop files. Wow, you are already in a bad cop file and you are not even a cop yet. You should be impressed by your accomplishments.
Alexia • Nov 12, 2016 at 7:50 pm
Shame on you LYNETTE BENDA!!!! You have no idea what your even talking about. Talk about rights being violated, you can not take a private message, take a photo and blast it out on social media with minors involved! Just another small minded adult who raise their children to believe lies. SHAME ON YOU!!
Ellen Feeney • Nov 12, 2016 at 11:01 pm
You stop. It’s a hate crime.
Ellen Feeney • Nov 12, 2016 at 10:59 pm
Thank you for standing up to this hate crime. Let the mom say what she wants. You did what was right in speaking out for the students protesting and using their first amendment right rights. Hate crimes are also against the law. Me and some friends are already emailing the police the cousin mentioned. Let’s stop racism together!