Blake Lively is a Ryan Reynolds wannabe. She also happens to be tone-deaf, and overall just a mean girl.
If you are unaware of the controversy surrounding Lively and the movie “It Ends With Us;’ videos of her have been circulating social media with allegations that she never took her movie seriously. Claims against Lively included using the press tour to advertise her other brands.
In multiple interviews on the press tour for “It Ends With Us;’ Lively brought up her haircare brand, trying to advertise it. In the past, her husband Reynolds successfully used a marketing approach on his PR tour for “Deadpool & Wolverine;’ advertising his brands and his movie simultaneously. This is the strategy that Lively used to promote her film and other brands. What she did not realize was that this was not appropriate for the movie and came off as insensitive to the public, especially to the victims of domestic violence that this movie was made to represent. Her approach was tone deaf rather than business savvy.
Other videos of Lively showed her not answering questions about the movie and shifting the topic to her brands. This was tactless, and showed again that Lively may not understood the gravity of domestic violence.
During Lively’s failed press tour, she simplified a thematically serious movie to that of a basic drama film by saying things like “grab your friends, wear your florals and watch ‘It Ends With Us’:’
While I despise Lively’s unserious attitude, I can counter these allegations by saying that she did address the topic of this movie-domestic violence a couple of times, though in clips that have not been viewed as much. And yes, while this doesn’t make up for her usage of this movie to advertise her brands, we cannot ignore the times she did speak on the gravity of her movie.
Lively also has a huge problem bringing up her husband. She ropes Reynolds in with her in everything from marketing his movie to including him in her movie. Lively even brought Reynolds in to write the films rooftop scene, which was done without the screenwriter’s knowledge. Cristy Hall, the writer, claimed she turned in her script before the WGA writer’s strike, but when she rejoined production she noticed differences in the screenplay. She assumed they were improvisations, but later at the premiere, she found out (along with everyone else) that Reynolds had penned the dialogue.
Her obsession with involving her husband in everything has surpassed being a supportive, power-couple to a dynamic that has started to piss people off. Lively’s multiple recent blow-ups in the public eye probably won’t end her career but she has taken a huge blow to her reputation amongst her fans.
Column: Blake Lively’s reputation ends with her
Vanshika Shahdadpuri, Opinions Editor
September 19, 2024
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Vanshika Shahdadpuri, Opinions Editor
Vanshika Shahdadpuri, a senior, is starting on her second year on staff. She previously served as a staff writer in her first year on staff. She is so excited for another amazing year on CT. She hopes to someday become a doctor, if she can figure it out. Apart from CT she loves listening to Taylor Swift and curling up with a good book. Vanshika absolutely is a Voltron fanatic and enjoys watching cartoons in her free time.
Joe • Sep 22, 2024 at 11:10 pm
Did you just start writing this year? You could’ve shortened this quite a bit by simply saying “I’m jealous and bitter.”
Kate Johnson • Sep 23, 2024 at 10:59 am
Don’t be a jerk
Seth • Sep 22, 2024 at 10:19 pm
So you mean just coz a movie is related to a certain topic, DON’T advertise anything else but the topic? By extension if you have put in your hardwork into something, don’t dare let it help you in other aspects of your life? You need to grow up!
Jahana • Sep 21, 2024 at 6:32 pm
Umm, no. Nothing has happened to Ms Lively’s reputation except among terminally online people. People who actually have an impact on real life have made her movie a massive MASSIVE success and the biggest hit of her career. This just seems to be a pathetic hate article written just because they’re mad that they couldn’t do anything to Blake or her career despite month long handwringing.
bucky • Sep 23, 2024 at 10:52 am
The majority of people found her at best off putting if they hadn’t been exposed to her much and slimy, abusive, and irritating when they were exposed to her even before this happened. This may not totally destroy her, but it will stick, more so because she’s such a narcissist she doesn’t have the good sense to go away and let it pass. Every time it starts to let up a bit, she’s out there like a bad penny, shoving herself into the public eye again, because that makes sense in this climate with her being such an unlikeable person.
Marilyn mylrea • Sep 20, 2024 at 11:03 am
Blake has still not apologized or shown an ounce of humility or remorse. She’s completely clueless about DV and a light flake while Justin is a serious person who truly cares about DV survivors. Now Ryan wants to buy the rights to the sequel which is pretty pathetic as he tries to save her. Blake has basically destroyed her
own reputation and Ryan can’t buy it back. She created this and she is accountable. She needs to learn, apologize and hopefully grow in kindness! I only saw this movie because of Justin. I will definitely not see a sequel if Ryan buys his wife it and it’s her show. DV survivors deserve so much better than flakey Blake!
seth • Sep 22, 2024 at 10:25 pm
And you need to chill! She isn’t trying to be the mouthpiece of DV survivors. If you want that job, talk about it rather than drag other women down. Don’t be beating up on a successful woman with a supportive husband coz you can’t relate to her!
bucky • Sep 23, 2024 at 10:54 am
The majority of people found her at best off putting if they hadn’t been exposed to her much and slimy, abusive, and irritating when they were exposed to her even before this happened. This may not totally destroy her, but it will stick, more so because she’s such a narcissist she doesn’t have the good sense to go away and let it pass. Every time it starts to let up a bit, she’s out there like a bad penny, shoving herself into the public eye again, because that makes sense in this climate with her being such an unlikeable person.
Myra • Sep 19, 2024 at 12:40 pm
Some footage of her acting like “how dare a domestic violence survivor approach (the amazing) ME?”, HAS TOLD ME ALL I EVER NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS SHALLOW NARCISSIST. I don’t respect her or her husband. Just Two more greedy, narcissists whose only real goal is becoming billionaires. These are fake “artists”. As well as fake human beings.