Computer Science Club comes back

Courtesy of Derek Miller

Computer Science Club members work at their inaugural meeting in Room 46 on Aug. 30.

Jay Deegan, Editorial Editor

The Computer Science Club has returned after a years-long pause. Central juniors Vinay Narahari and Harry Yu founded the revival of the club.

“I’m very passionate about computer science,” Narahari said. I wanted people to have a space where they can just come in, have fun building projects, and express their minds through computer science. 

Originally sponsored by CTE teacher Kevin Hayes, CS club is now sponsored by CTE teacher Derek Miller. 

“Vinay and Harry asked me to do it, and I didn’t think about the club at all or reviving it, but they seemed really interested in doing it and they needed a sponsor,” Miller said. “So I said ‘okay.’”

CS club hopes to interest students by offering workshops on subject specific computer science skills, help for their various projects and a space to collaborate with other students. Some of the workshops offered include, artificial Intelligence and computer hardware.

“CS club is really what people want to get out of it,” Miller said. ”If they’re interested in computers, they’re going to be surrounded by other people who are interested in computers, and I think we’re gonna have a good time.”

CS Club also aims to have various competitions integrated in their weekly meetings.

“We have different coding competitions where people will get points, and there’ll be a leaderboard system relating to that,” Narahari said.

CS Club isn’t only for experienced coders; it is open to all, regardless of skill.

“It’s for beginners, intermediates and experts.” Narahari said.” Whoever you are, you have a place in this club, as long as you’re interested in computer science.” 

CS Club meets every Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. in Room 46.